Saturday, June 10, 2006


I have been working on the drainage system,

It is slow moving because most trenches are deep and there is not enough space for equipment,

Some places are so narrow that the gravel needed to be moved by bucket.

Now I can park the car in the garage!

Flower bud from the poplar tree,

And an open one.


Anonymous said...

hi! greetings from argentina! i really studied your pictures to have an idea to develope a geodesic system and dedicate my professional life to it. bye

Anonymous said...

hey, how is your progress coming these days? hopefully everything is going as planned, we look forward to seeing some new posts.

Anonymous said...

Witamy, dom wyglada niesamowicie. Ciekawi jestesmy jak sie mieszka w takim domu i czy trudne jest jego urzadzenie. Bardzo bysmy chcieli sie z Wami skontaktowac, zeby blizej o tym porozmawiac.
Dorota i Mariusz z New Jersey